$349.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Go BossBound™ Mentorship Community

The BossBound™ for Bookkeepers program is right where you want to be!

But we know that implementing a digital course can be overwhelming when done on your own. We know what it feels like; we wanted the support, accountability, and just the wisdom of someone who has been there when we built our 7-figure firm too!

That’s why we’ve created our mentorship communities to support you!

What you'll get:

  • A community of others succeeding at building their bookkeeping business.
  • Community support to your questions. 
  • Assess our ever-growing library of exclusive resources and monetizable done-for-you templates.
  • Monthly Growth Calls with our team covering topics on all the scenarios you face in growing your business.
  • Monthly Build Your Business calls teach the process of building your bookkeeping business and the challenges being faced in the industry. 
  • FREE ACCESS to our signature trademarked course 5 Steps to 6 Figures with your membership. A $497 course price included! 

Let's build your business together!